All Users

View a complete list of all users registered within the system. Access user details and account information to manage user accounts effectively.

Add New Users

Streamline the process of adding a new user to the system. Input user details accurately to create a new account swiftly and efficiently.

Number Attribute Description
1 Select Role Choose the role or access level for the new user.
2 Full Name Enter the complete name of the new user.
3 Email Provide the email address for the new user's account.
4 Password Set a secure password for the new user's account access.
5 Phone Input the contact number of the new user.
6 National ID Enter the national identification number, if applicable.
7 Address Provide the physical address of the new user.
8 Zip Code Input the postal code associated with the user's address.
9 City Specify the city of residence for the new user.
10 Country Select the country where the new user resides.